My personal published side projects.
Most of these projects were created because I can't find one that I can enjoy.
Location Switcher
Firefox Add-on
Switching between development and production servers.
Design for web developers and designers.
The Input Method Kit for iOS. Allows using 3rd party input methods for both Bluetooth keyboard and keyboard extension.
OkidoKey Charsets
Data set for OkidoKey
The open source data of OkidoKey app, includes input method data table files, keyboard layout, and key mappings.
Command line tool
A command line tool to exporting CIN table from iBus database for Boshiamy input method.
They may still work but out-dated or dropped support from its platform, consider using above apps instead if any.
Self-hosting Web Service
iLyricsCloud is a self-hosting web service which can manage, search artworks and lyrics. It's the middleman of iLyrics widget and (private) iLyrics mini menu bar app for macos.
Dashboard widget for macOS 10.5+
Searching artworks and lyrics of current playing song from iTunes.