Non-subscription apps may offer a free time-based trial period before presenting a full unlock option by setting up a Non-Consumable IAP item at Price Tier 0 that follows the naming convention: “14-day Trial.” Prior to the start of the trial, your app must clearly identify its duration, the content or services that will no longer be accessible when the trial ends, and any downstream charges the user would need to pay for full functionality. Learn more about managing content access and the duration of the trial period using Receipts and Device Check. - Apple Store Review Guidelines

Time-based trail mode is finally here.

There are always some people not really appreciate free or ad-ware from review-system experiences and I hate spending time on solving isses brought by implementing advertising.

Even though my purpose of OkidoKey Lite is to keep a free version for the community, nonsense bad reviews still make me sad sometimes.

I's been awhile since I really dig into a new language, I think it might be the time to give it a "Go".
Start by rewriting my personal scripts which usually build upon bash or php.


After go through Go tour, kinda remind me why I don't like AngularJS at first place.
Overall, single binary file and performance still got me, however the syntax might cause a lots confusing and I don't like it.

QIF - out-dated "COBOL" like data structure, lack of transaction/statement identifier, currency, rate and such features, however it supports split transactions.

OFX - XML structure, contains above missing features in QIF, however it has no concept of split transactions.



收到 Docker for Mac beta,但是還在 Core 2 Duo 的 Mac mini 被嫌棄了...

Please don't use #id for styling until you know what identity means.
Please don't use lots of jQuery plugins until you understand jQuery and javascript.
Please don't use lots javascript animations until something can't be done with css animatiom.
Please don't use less or sass until you uderstand css.
Please don't use reat until you uderstand html and css.

經歷了數次的退件,跟 OkidoKey 差距了好幾個版本之後,Lite 版本終於通過審核了。

Always know there is something worng about the time but never pay attention to check util some strange behavior caught me then realize that I forgot to install ntp and setup the correct timzone on aws server.

sudo apt-get install ntp
sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Taipei /etc/localtime
sudo reboot

It's another buzy session for app store, but iOS9 and hardware keyboard support is coming.

Any new feature requests? now it's a good time.

雖然進度很緩慢,不過也還是有在進行,現在又卡在 Swift 1.2 可能會在四月中後才有可能進到 GM 的階段,可能會需要再等二個月,或是另外建一個 branch 來進行,需要再考慮一下。

關於 zhim! extended 的未來,在 iOS keyboard extension 尚未支援硬體鍵盤之前,還是會以現行的方式存在。

Custom Keyboard for iOS8

iOS8 終於開放了系統鍵盤給開放者,但實際上仍有非常多的限制,以及穩定性並不佳。
zhim! extended 雖然已經加上了支援 iOS8 custom keyboard 的支援,經過了 5 個 iOS8 beta 版本的測試,最終我還是覺得本質上的目的性不同,因此決定不在 zhim! extended 上直接提供 keyboard extension,而會以另外的 app 來提供單一性的目的。

另外也會改以 Swift 開發,比對在 Objective-C 上遇到的效能問題是否能在 Swift 上解決。
我想類似的 app 應該也會比較多了,時間上也就可以慢慢來了 (誤)